Health Insurance renewing?
If your health insurance is renewing you should have received renewal letter from your insurer showing( most likely) and increase in premium for this year. If you contact us with your current plan details we will look through the different plans available and see if we can get you a more affordable plan. As health insurance brokers we are up to date on the best plans around and should be able to get you a cheaper plan with similar benefits to the plan you are currently on.
Why take out health insurance?
Health insurance will pay your hospital bill should you attend public or private hospital(depending on level of cover you take out). If you have medical card, there is less need for private health insurance, so it's really more important for those who don't have a medical card. Major benefit of having health insurance is that you don't have to go on the long hospital waiting lists. Below is a link which shows the waiting lists for different hospitals around the country, if you have health insurance you avoid these waiting lists.
New LCR (Lifetime community ratings) came into affect May 1st 2015. Up until now, health insurance cost the same for all adults, no matter what age. As of May 1st, those new to health insurance( don't have health insurance before age 35) will be charged an extra 2% on their premium. So therefore important to get health insurance in place before age 35.
Why use a broker for health insurance? we will help you through any claim process, we will answer any questions you have(as opposed to spending ages on phone trying to get through to the health insurance company direct), and most importantly we will review your plan regularly and if a new better/cheaper plan becomes available we will inform you and change it for you if you if you want. We get paid from the health insurance company,so no extra costs to you in going through us.
Company directors: Get your employees covered.We arrange company plans and can compare and contrast the different options on the market. We can also arrange meetings and sit in with HR to discuss options. We also can sit sown in canteen/staff area during lunch hour etc and discuss options/plans with employees. Many companies pay for % of plan e.g 50/50 with employee. This is a valuable benefit to provide for your employee as will save them on hospital costs etc should they become ill/have accident.